Thursday, October 15, 2015

Debbie Hiller

I am thrilled for you!  

Motherhood is rewarding, challenging, humbling, awesome, character building, a tutorial in unselfish service, fun, and a sacred trust….

Motherhood will help draw you closer to your husband and your Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ, in wonderful ways.

I have attached a photo of our family, because I have come to understand better, as a grandmother, the great blessing that is ours through the miracle of life and posterity.

One of my favorite scriptures is found in 3 John 1:4:  " I have no greater joy that to hear that my children walk in truth.”  Let this be your goal as a mother, to love them and to teach them to ‘walk in truth’, so that your Family can be Together Forever.

You will be a wonderful mother!!!

I love you!
Debbie Hiller

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Colleen Karren

This isn't the best picture, but it shows three of my greatest joys. I can not even begin to tell you how thankful I am for the blessing of motherhood. I remember being scared and overwhelmed with the responsibility, but never have I felt so much love as the day I held each of my daughters for the first time. I made mistakes along the way and shed many tears, but never have I felt so much JOY! I never knew that something so small could teach me so much!
CHERISH EACH SMALL MOMENT because it is fleeting and remember:
"There is no perfect way to be a good mother. Each situation is unique. Each mother has different challenges, different skills and abilities, and certainly different children....what matters most is that a mother loves her children deeply." Elder M. Russell Ballard.
Lots of love to you Leslie!!!

Kathy Cummings

I love this picture because it reminds me of the pioneer women who were so incredibly strong and courageous. It reminds me that I too am strong and can do hard things. We felt such an intimate connection with the pioneer families as we volunteered at This is the Place that summer. Love you Leslie - what an amazing mother you will be. 

Laurie Wirz

Dear Leslie, when Catie was 18 months old, she still hadn't learned to walk. I was concerned about her, but my pediatrician told me it was "normal," and we just kept encouraging her. She finally did, just a few weeks later. What I didn't know then was that Catie had Juvenile Arthritis, and walking would have been painful for her. There are many lessons I have learned and am learning from my sweet baby girl having an as yet incurable illness. First, I needed to pay attention. I couldn't have known at 18 months that Catie had arthritis, but I needed to be more interested in her and her timing than in what was "normal," by any book. Second, be my child's best advocate. Children can't survive in a world of adults. They need an adult to speak for them, to speak with them. Your child needs to know that they have someone "in their corner" always. Third, allow your child to learn his/her own lessons. That can be excrutiatingly painful, but Catie has learned to rely on the Lord through her pain and suffering in ways I could never have taught her by just "telling" her. Fourth, just as in this picture, walk with your kids. Let them take those steps with you before you let them stand and fall. Give them an opportunity to lean on you when they need to. And fifth, Heavenly Father doesn't mess around with families. This child is coming to you because you are the best mother for him. And because he will teach you things that you could learn in no other way. Those are just some of the lessons I have learned. Being a mother is the single greatest opportunity I have had in this life. It is the only career that really matters to me, and regardless of how my children "turn out," it is the greatest gift Heavenly Father has given me. May the Lord bless you as you become a mother. I'm so excited for you and your little one! With love, Laurie Wirz

Diana Barnett

Dear Leslie,

I am so happy for you.  Being a mother is the most wonderful thing in the world.
I first met you when your own mom was a fairly new mother herself. We moved into the ward in the fall of 1992.  At the time you were just a baby- a very cute baby! On my first Sunday in the ward I sat behind your mom in Relief Society and I watched her bounce you on her lap and play with you throughout the meeting. I had a few thoughts as I watched her.  The first- how beautiful your mom was. The second- how beautiful and adorable you were. The third- how much your mom loved you. It was a tender and sweet thing for me to watch you and her interact together. 

And because your mom and I became such close friends I have been able to watch you grow up- through play groups, elementary school, junior high and high school and then on to college and marriage and now to the next and most wonderful phase of your life- a mom.  

You will be a darling mom.  As you raise this sweet baby, do what feels right to you.  Listen to the Spirit and talk things over with your husband. It will be an amazing time in your life and it is a time that will never end!  You will be a mother forever. There is not a sweeter blessing.

I love this quote from Elder Holland:

"Remember, remember all the days of your motherhood: “Ye have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.” (2 Nephi 31:19) Rely on Him. Rely on Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.” (2 Nephi 31:20) You are doing God’s work. You are doing it wonderfully well. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging. Like the woman who anonymously, meekly, perhaps even with hesitation and some embarrassment, fought her way through the crowd just to touch the hem of the Master’s garment, so Christ will say to the women who worry and wonder and sometimes weep over their responsibility as mothers, “Daughter, be of good comfort; thy faith hath made thee whole.” (Matthew9:22) And it will make your children whole as well." General Conference 1997
Congratulations Leslie!!!!
Love, Diana Barnett

Trudy Hansen

I have loved being a mother!  I picked two values that I thought were very important and tried to instill them in my children.  The first was obedience.  I felt that if they learned to obey me, it would be easier to obey the laws of the land and the laws of God.  The second was honesty.  When they would tell me the truth I would try not to be upset for what they had done but praise them for telling me the truth.
You will be a wonderful mother!  Relax and try to enjoy each day!

Love, Trudy Hansen

Karen Schindler

Dear Leslie,

When your sister asked for advice all I could think of was ask Suzan she’s the best mom ever! So my advice would be to ask your mom if you have any questions she will know what advice to give you. I also wanted to tell you why I love being a mom. I was so lucky to be a stay at home mom with my kids. I was able to play every day. It was the best. I loved spending time with them just playing outside with rocks and dirt and bugs or whatever we could do together. I know people always say it goes so fast and to enjoy it and I agree. Leslie time does fly so just enjoy your little ones and PLAY. I love you and I can’t wait for you to be a mom you will be great and you will love it! Have fun and post lots of pictures.

Love you,

Karen Schindler

Katie Priedman

Displaying Mother-Quotes-18.jpg

“The work of a mother is hard, too often unheralded work. Please know that it is worth it then, now, and forever.” —Jeffrey R. Holland“

President David O. McKay

“Motherhood is the greatest potential influence either for good or ill in human life. The mother's image is the first that stamps itself on the unwritten page of the young child's mind. It is her caress that first awakens a sense of security; her kiss, the first realization of affection; her sympathy and tenderness, the first assurance that there is love in the world.” 

I really like these quotes because I feel that a mother has an incredible influence on her child´s attitudes, work ethic, and sense of self worth.  I love the quote from President McKay because I do feel that it is from our parents that we learn how to love.  

Leslie--you are going to be a fantastic mom!  You are hardworking, talented, and honest---I feel that you will be able to bless your children with your love of life and your love of the Savior.  Thank you for always being such a great friend---compassionate, a great listener, and not afraid to say what you are really thinking.  Your excellent communication skills will bless your  children.  

I love you!

Inline image 1

Mary Hiller

I am so excited for you and this little baby! I don’t think I have a lot of advice or things like that—I feel like I am still learning everything!!! But I do know that your life will change so much in the next couple of weeks.  
I mean obviously, your life has already changed a lot being pregnant. For one thing, there is a human being living and growing inside you. And second you already love that baby so much.  
But I am so excited for the first moment you see your baby because like the Grinch my “heart grew three sizes that day.” And in that very moment the most incredible feelings of love and joy pours into every ounce of your body.  
I think the last two and half months have been some of the most humbling, hard, and amazing months of my life. Becoming a mom is one of the biggest blessings of my life. I feel so much gratitude every day.  
I don’t know a lot—but I do know that these babies are just straight from heaven. They bring such special spirits to our homes. They light up our lives, and they bring real joy. And that is all before they start smiling at you. Then your heart just wants to burst every time they give you one of their big grins. And then there are even more exciting things ahead.  
Maverick coming into my life has helped me understand and appreciate the atonement more. I feel that everyday it is a learning experience. I love that when I have questions and concerns—I can always turn to Heavenly Father. He loves us perfectly, and He will always help us know what to do for our little babies. (Especially, when you have no idea what else to do). (Also we can always ask moms, sisters, and friends.) 
I think it can be kind of overwhelming with all the advice and counsel everyone gives you when you have a baby. There are so many things to do, but my mom always tells me—Do what works best for you and your baby. This has been the best advice for me, because it has helped me slow down and take a breath.  
So Les, do what works best for you and your baby! But I am so excited to hear all about your baby! I am so excited we are becoming moms at the same time. It is so fun! And I can’t wait to meet your little one!  
I love you so much. Thank you for being such a wonderful example to me! You have always been such a good friend, and I just am so grateful for you in my life. 
Love always,  Mary Esther Pierson

Hannah Miskin

 I attached a picture of me with my mom, Rene, and my baby girl, Adelaide, on her blessing day. Here's a little note to go with it: 

My mom is such a great example to me of finding joy, fun, and laughter in every season of life. I know you'll be such a wonderful mother, Leslie, because you make everyone laugh and radiate joy to everyone around you, and your kids will see that and love that about you! Never forget how fun and funny you are! Love, Hannah 

Erin Southworth

I am thrilled for you to be on this crazy adventure of motherhood. You
are going to rock it! I just want to tell you two things. I don't
really have any advice, mostly because I have absolutely no idea what
I'm doing myself, and partly because my advice probably wouldn't work
for you anyway.
The first thing is from a conference talk from April of 2014 by Sister
Reeves. She says, "It is OK if the house is a mess and the children
are still in their pajamas and some responsibilities are left undone.
The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are
daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening." I
have tried, especially recently, to make this my motto, and I promise
it works.
The second thing is a personal experience. In the last weeks of
pregnancy with Emery, when I felt like I literally would not live
through the night, I had Bryson give me a blessing. During the
blessing I heard a firm, but humble voice say, "You are doing this for
one person; I did this for the whole world." No experience has been so
humbling or left such a profound impact on my heart. Even on the very
worst of days, always remember that Christ loved, suffered for, and
gave life to this special spirit long before you did. I promise that
even when you feel alone and overwhelmed to the point of breaking, He
is always there to help you. No one wants to see you succeed in this
special calling more than He does!
Love you, Leslie!

Katilyn Hansen

Dear Mama Leslie :)

Congratulations!! I am so excited for you and Jesse! I know nothing about this whole parenting thing. Everyday is so different... just when you think you've got it figured out, they hit a growth spurt or they bite their friend at the playground... haha I guess the crazy beauty of it is, every day is fresh and we can either choose to spend our time laughing through it all or dwelling on the imperfections of life and ourselves. Despite my ignorance, (Like every woman and her Mom and her Grandma) I would like to give you 3 snippets of advice that I wish I had written on the wall when I had Rowan.

1. Take care of your husband! Your baby is a very high priority and I know it will be fun for you guys to do things all together as a family but make special time for the one who will still be around when your kids are grown and gone. (I think that's on a movie or something...? Cheesy, but I loved it.)

2. Trust yourself and employ guilt free parenting! I don't know how it works but somehow, Moms just KNOW what's going on with their kids and what they need. Trust those instincts, you really are the expert on your baby even if you feel totally clueless at the moment. And for some reason, after a woman gives birth she feels like an authority on all things parent-y and will want to give you TONS of advice (obviously;)) so just take what you want and leave what you don't. Because of those wonderful instincts and the blessing of the spirit, you'll know what's best for your little one. And if you're just doing your best,  you can be happy with that. Even if something isn't going quite like you expected like labor, or breastfeeding, or their clothes don't fit or you bought the wrong stuff or your ideal routine isn't working out. Your best is all the Lord requires. Don't be afraid of doing things the unique way you want to do them. Own it. You're beautifully one of a kind and only you can be the mother of your kids! Simple as that. :)

3. Enjoy the journey! But don't focus TOO much on how quickly they're growing up or you'll just be depressed. So many people say, "it goes by so fast" or "enjoy every minute" and it's true! You should! Those minutes are precious. But let time be time, and look forward to the next new phase instead of mourning the loss of the last. That said, there's nothing like holding and staring at your first baby every minute of the day. :) Don't try to get back out there before you're ready. That alone time is so sweet for bonding with your babe and absorbing the whole idea of being a Mom.

Ok. I know this is quite the lecture, but I just want you to know that parenthood really is a divinely sanctioned, supported and rewarded work. Nothing even compares to the joys of Motherhood or (if we can keep eternal perspective) the incredible rewards in heaven for doing our best with our babies. There's a lot to look forward to! You've probably already started to feel this but all of a sudden, our lives have meaning, purpose, and never ending responsibility to these little souls who come to us totally dependent and smitten with us. It's terrifying! But it is also empowering, fulfilling and spiritually refining to be loved so perfectly by them. We become so much more, so much better because we now live for not only ourselves but for our husbands and for our precious little ones.  May you always remember how blessed you are to be a Mother and how ready and willing the Lord is to buoy you up after hard days. If you're ever in doubt or feeling down about your abilities, read what the prophets have said. Because the truth is, you are already an amazing Mother and I know you have a life filled with love, adventure and happiness ahead of you! Best wishes to you and Jesse as you become incredible parents. I can't wait to meet your little squish someday!
Love you!

Emily Richards

Leslie, I wish I were eloquent, but I'm not going to try to be.  I just want you to know that you will learn things being a mother that no other experience in life can teach you.  You are blessed to have this wonderful opportunity, and know that you are surrounded by wonderful women and mothers who have so much knowledge and experience that you can learn from.  Have confidence.  You'll do great things!!

Love from your aunt-in-law, Emily

Annie Maloney

Congrats! We are so excited for you guys!  Here's a little advice- Do what works for you and your family, regardless of what anyone thinks.  You and the Lord know your family best.

Love, Annie

Catherine Thomas

My mom is a wonderful chef and baker who grew up in Hungary.  She taught me to appreciate food and love cooking.  So I thought I would share a recipe, this is one of the staples of Hungarian cuisine.  

Maria's Paprikas Csirke (Chicken Paprika):

1. chop 2-3 onions into 1" or smaller cubes, brown in vegetable oil on medium or low heat
2. add 2-6 cloves of chopped garlic
3. add 2-3 tablespoons of paprika
4. add 1 cup water, be careful not to burn the paprika (don't put on high heat)
5. when the water evaporates, add the chicken (1 chicken, cut into pieces)
6. remove from heat
7. add 1-2 6 oz. cans of tomato paste 
8. add 1 tablespoon chicken base (this will be salty so is in lieu of salt)
9. cover in foil and bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees; remove from oven
10. in separate bowl, mix one cup sour cream with 2-3 tablespoons flour, spoon in some of the broth from the pot that has the chicken in it, stir 
11. add the sour cream mixture to the chicken pan and mix; bring to a boil on stove top to cook the flour

Here's a recipe for the galuska (aka nokedli) that you serve with the chicken paprika:

And in case there are questions for the chef, my mom, Maria, loves to chat, especially about food, so here is her phone number: 919-967-4344.  :)

All my best to Leslie and Jesse and their first baby!  

Barbara Foster

David Foster and Barbara Foster

Eileen Thomas

Dear Leslie,
Congratulations on the soon-to-happen arrival of your beautiful baby boy.  There is nothing quite so amazing and miraculous as the birth of a baby.  I am thrilled for you and Jesse as you embark on this journey of parenthood. I have loved my time being the mother to our five children.  I have grown so much in this time and have found joys that I did not realize were waiting for me.  I have learned, and continue to learn, to relax and to just love each of my kids for who they are while also helping them to be their best selves. I have learned that it is a wonderful thing to love their beautiful imperfections, joy in their accomplishments, and be a giver of hope. Trust yourself, have confidence in your abilities, and be kind to yourself as you learn this beautiful new job of yours. Never forget about the power of humor.  Lean on the Lord; pray for strength and inspiration.  Enjoy the many sweet moments during this busy time in your life.  I have a cousin that once said about motherhood, "You give and give until you can't give any more...and then you give some more."  I have thought of this quote often--and it makes me giggle and sigh at the same time.  Deep breath!  It's your time to begin this most-wonderful adventure of motherhood.

Much Love and Well Wishes!!
Aunt Eileen Thomas

(This picture is of baby cousin Allison Thomas Gunn, her great-grandmother, and mother--me.)

Katie Sparks

Dear Leslie,
We caught little Sam smiling in his sleep!
President Ezra Taft Benson taught, "in the eternal perspective, children-not possessions, not position, not prestige-are our greatest jewels." 
What a sacred opportunity, our role as mothers-bless you Leslie, as you welcome this little one into your family!  

Love, Aunt Katie

Megan Thomas

I'm sorry your baby has to have our dorky genes :)

Anna Woodruff

One thing I loved about my mom growing up was that she never complained about her image. Of course everyone feels insecure about their bodies or looks but she never told me about it. I didn’t recognize or appreciate this until I was older and realized a lot of my friends had things to complain about when it came to the way they looked and realized that they fed off what their mom’s were saying because they did the same thing! I know I grew up with a positive image of myself because of this, and am grateful for the example my mom set to not worry about those things. Leslie, you are so beautiful inside and out and I know your kids will feed off that positive energy, just like I did with my mom! I love you!

Love, Anna

Kayli Hyde

I'm so excited for you to become a mom!! While I don't have any experience yet, I just want you to know how special I think this is going to be. You will be such an amazing mom and will be able to raise children that are strong in the gospel. I'm so excited to be able to be joining you in this new phase of our lives and hope we can share our experiences with one another and help be a strength for each other. Good luck with everything!! I can't wait to see how cute he is!
Love you,


Vanessa Merrill

Ok Leslie,

I am so excited for you and your baby!! You will absolutely love it. There is something special about having your own baby and a special bond with them that is so much fun. They love you and always want to be with you. It's my favorite!

If I had any advice for you, things that worked with me, the book "Baby Wise" it's a great book of you want to put your baby on a schedule. Because of this book, indie started sleeping through the night at 2 months! Amazing. She now sleeps 10 hrs+ at night and is always so happy. It's a sleep, eat and play schedule that's it.

When I get bored or feel like the day is dragging, I tell myself to go play with her or read books to her, sing, go outside, anything that will help her know who I am.

We listen to scriptures every morning while I feed her it's so funny she looks for the voice haha.

Don't worry about spending too much time holding him! They need all of the attention you give them. Don't feel bad taking naps either. Sleep when thy sleep because you need it. Once they get older you'll be able to feel like you can do more.

Take lots of pictures! It's so fun to see them grow.

The best times are when Ace and I watch her play or sleep and just think how cute she is and how fun it is.

I hope everything goes well for you and your labor is ok. Can't wait to see pictures!


Vanessa and Indie

Ashlie Sutton


Being a mom is the greatest thing you will ever do. It is such a fulfilling job that allows you to put your whole heart into. I know you have probably heard this tons but you really don't know how much you could possibly love someone until you have a child. Everything they do will be the cutest to you and Jesse. It's so fun to grow your little family and become happier and happier. It's hard to enjoy every moment since motherhood comes with many many trials and frustrating times but thank heavens the good outweighs the bad ha ha. I have kept a little journal of all of the cute and not so cute things they have done as they grow and it's been fun to look back and remember things about them. I hope you breeze through the last couple weeks of your pregnancy and have a safe and short delivery. I'm so excited for you two. This will be one of the greatest days of your life when they lay your child on you for the first time. Enjoy all the cuddles and naps and sweet moments that you will have in the beginning and remember that the most important thing you can do while they are young is spend as much time with them. Dishes, laundry, and other housework can wait! Love you and wish you the best of luck. Excited to see pictures. Love Ashlie 

Madalyn Luthy

I always knew that the one thing I wanted to be when I grew up was a mother. It certainly isn't the easiest or sometimes most glamorous job, especially when my shirt is all crusty from getting spit up on for the 10th time or wondering if that spot on my hand is from lunch or the diaper I just changed! But it is by far the most rewarding and fulfilling jobs there is. Nothing in the world compares to being a mother and the love that a mother has for her children. There will be hard days and times when you think that you weren't meant for this task, but i've learned to accept that tomorrow is a fresh start and a chance for me to become better.  I love my boys more than anything in the world, they melt my heart and make my blood boil every day but I wouldn't change it for anything! Cherish every moment, every giggle, every smile, it goes by faster than you can even imagine! I am so excited for you to start this new chapter in your life and know that you will be a wonderful mother! Good luck! Love Madalyn

Valerie Erickson

Dear Leslie,
Every day is a new day-- a new day filled with opportunities to teach your children and fall in love with them all over again. Listen to your own instincts and discernment--sometimes its okay to not listen to the "experts"  Motherhood is the hardest and greatest thing I have done so far in my life! Cant wait for you to experience it! We love you! 

Joel, Val, Sawyer, London, Coen, Isla, and Ender

Juli Richards

This is a quote by Thomas S. Monson..”Never let a problem to be solved become more important than a person to be loved”.  Motherhood is the most rewarding and hardest thing I have done..  Try to enjoy all of it because it really does go by fast... We wish you the best with your new family!  Love Aunt Juli

Lynda Grace

Hi Leslie, 
I am so thrilled and happy you have the opportunity to be a mother soon.  It is such and adventure with lots of ups and down.  Life doesn't have to be perfect to be great...enjoy every day.  You are going to be an awesome mother...Love you!
Aunt Lynda

One favorite thing about being a mother:
    When children are younger, it is so sweet to see their excitement when mom or dad walk through the door after they have been gone.  
  For older children, it is amazing when children show genuine gratitude for something I have done for them...priceless!

Enjoy each and every stage and age of your new little one.  One is not necessarily better than another, they are all just different and unique, and only go through each ONCE.

Diane Parkinson Schwendiman

Dear Leslie,  We are so excited for the coming of your new baby.  So grateful that you are feeling well and everything seems to be coming along awesome for you.  It is such a special time when you are carrying a child and to feel it starting to move and grow.  You have been preparing yourself since you were a little girl for this big event.  Girls are born with the natural instinct to be a mother, as a girls favorite pastime is to  play and take care of their dolls and to care and nurture.  The birth of a child is such a miracle from God.
        I can remember the day that you were born on Thanksgiving Day.  It was such so exciting time to get the call from your Mom  and Dad and hear the wonderful news, that all was well and that they had a beautiful baby girl.  Now you are in that time of your life and will feel the joy of what you and Jesse and God have created to have and to nurture and teach and love and to have for all eternity.
          It’'s been special to us as grandparents to watch you grow and mature and become the lovely young women that your are.  Now you are far away from home and loved ones and you and Jesse are a family of your own to grow and develop .  We miss seeing you but are thankful for you and the good life and all the many good things that you are doing.
     Thanks for giving us our  24th great grandchild.  You and Jesse are going to be awesome parents.  We love you and wish for you and your family every happiness as you begin your role of parenthood.    Love you forever
   Grandma  Schwendiman
     October 6, 2015

Chrissie Shill

Dearest Leslie Bean
 I am so excited for you to give birth to your first child! He is so lucky to be coming into this world with two amazing parents! I have no doubt that you and Jesse will treat him so well. It brings such a huge smile to my face just imagining all of the wonderful adventures you will all share.
 Being a mother has brought my life more purpose than I could have ever imagined! My little family is more precious to me than gold! There isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do for my babies. They and their daddy are my world!
 I have learned over the years to enjoy each stage of life that they are in. Don’t ever wish away any time period. Remember that even the most difficult phases will pass. Be patient, be loving, be prayerful. I try to stay positive and encouraging with my kids. Be a good listener. One of the things that I have loved about my relationship with my kids is that share their thoughts and feelings with me. They know that they can come to me and their dad without judgement. There have been things that they have shared with us that I never would have felt comfortable talking with my parents about. It’s amazing. Keep the line of communication open.

 Write things down. Take pictures. Keep up with the printing of the pictures. Haha! I used to keep a regular blog. Life got way too busy and I stopped. I am sad that I did. Journaling special experiences and even the every day seemingly mundane stuff will one day be something that you will look back on with such fondness.
 Teach your baby about Heavenly Father and Jesus. I know that you will, but it makes such a difference in their young lives to have the knowledge of the gospel. Pray together, read scriptures, and live the gospel. Teach love and compassion.
 Read books together. Bedtime is such a wonderful part of the day. I’m telling you, the kids that have that special one on one time with their parents reading have such an advantage when they start school. Be a supportive and active parent in the school system. I have loved volunteering in the classroom. It helps so much in getting to know their peers, and it helps build a strong bond with their teacher.
 Most of all, just enjoy your sweet little baby.  There is nothing I have ever found to be more important than taking care of my beautiful children. They grow up so fast! It’s something that we have all heard over and over again, but it is so true. Just work hard at building your childs self esteem. Life is hard, and kids can be cruel. Let your home be a refuge from the storm.
 I love you so much Leslie! You are thoughtful and kind, and beautiful in every sense of the word. You have a fun sense of humor, you’re intelligent and talented. You will be a wonderful mother and have so much to teach and give! You married an incredible man and the two of you are doing great things! Enjoy this special time in your lives. Parenthood is a gift, and I know that you and Jesse will do an outstanding job!
      All my love,                Aunt Chrissie

Karol Gerber Chase

Dear Leslie,
I was delighted to learn you are having a baby.  When Great Grandma Gerber (Nina) told her mother she was expecting your Grandpa Kent, Melissa said, "Your life will never be the same."  So true... it will be richer with more meaning.  It will also be poorer with lack of sleep (and maybe finances).  But oh, the memories you will have as you build your life with this little one.

Speaking of memories, the photo I am sending is one of my top-ten favorites out of thousands.  It tells of the bigger picture, the family unit, not just the mother and child.  But the advice I give has to do with just the mother and child.  I'm not sure if it is typical of LDS families, but as I was having and raising my family, I was always focused on "doing" and being so very busy.  I missed much of the sweetness of enjoying my baby because I was constantly on the run.  

My advice is to "Enjoy the Now" with your little one.  Be present in the moment.  Don't always be looking forward to when he can sit up, when he can walk...   Ironically, because of the 'busyness' of how I did things, one of the few memories I have of David (my youngest) as a baby was not minding getting up for a 2am night feeding because it was the only time I had with him that was totally undivided so I could enjoy holding him.

I send my warmest and best wishes to you and your growing family.  
Love, Aunt Karol Gerber Chase