Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Katilyn Hansen

Dear Mama Leslie :)

Congratulations!! I am so excited for you and Jesse! I know nothing about this whole parenting thing. Everyday is so different... just when you think you've got it figured out, they hit a growth spurt or they bite their friend at the playground... haha I guess the crazy beauty of it is, every day is fresh and we can either choose to spend our time laughing through it all or dwelling on the imperfections of life and ourselves. Despite my ignorance, (Like every woman and her Mom and her Grandma) I would like to give you 3 snippets of advice that I wish I had written on the wall when I had Rowan.

1. Take care of your husband! Your baby is a very high priority and I know it will be fun for you guys to do things all together as a family but make special time for the one who will still be around when your kids are grown and gone. (I think that's on a movie or something...? Cheesy, but I loved it.)

2. Trust yourself and employ guilt free parenting! I don't know how it works but somehow, Moms just KNOW what's going on with their kids and what they need. Trust those instincts, you really are the expert on your baby even if you feel totally clueless at the moment. And for some reason, after a woman gives birth she feels like an authority on all things parent-y and will want to give you TONS of advice (obviously;)) so just take what you want and leave what you don't. Because of those wonderful instincts and the blessing of the spirit, you'll know what's best for your little one. And if you're just doing your best,  you can be happy with that. Even if something isn't going quite like you expected like labor, or breastfeeding, or their clothes don't fit or you bought the wrong stuff or your ideal routine isn't working out. Your best is all the Lord requires. Don't be afraid of doing things the unique way you want to do them. Own it. You're beautifully one of a kind and only you can be the mother of your kids! Simple as that. :)

3. Enjoy the journey! But don't focus TOO much on how quickly they're growing up or you'll just be depressed. So many people say, "it goes by so fast" or "enjoy every minute" and it's true! You should! Those minutes are precious. But let time be time, and look forward to the next new phase instead of mourning the loss of the last. That said, there's nothing like holding and staring at your first baby every minute of the day. :) Don't try to get back out there before you're ready. That alone time is so sweet for bonding with your babe and absorbing the whole idea of being a Mom.

Ok. I know this is quite the lecture, but I just want you to know that parenthood really is a divinely sanctioned, supported and rewarded work. Nothing even compares to the joys of Motherhood or (if we can keep eternal perspective) the incredible rewards in heaven for doing our best with our babies. There's a lot to look forward to! You've probably already started to feel this but all of a sudden, our lives have meaning, purpose, and never ending responsibility to these little souls who come to us totally dependent and smitten with us. It's terrifying! But it is also empowering, fulfilling and spiritually refining to be loved so perfectly by them. We become so much more, so much better because we now live for not only ourselves but for our husbands and for our precious little ones.  May you always remember how blessed you are to be a Mother and how ready and willing the Lord is to buoy you up after hard days. If you're ever in doubt or feeling down about your abilities, read what the prophets have said. Because the truth is, you are already an amazing Mother and I know you have a life filled with love, adventure and happiness ahead of you! Best wishes to you and Jesse as you become incredible parents. I can't wait to meet your little squish someday!
Love you!

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