Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Suzan Gerber

Dear Leslie,

I am so thrilled to be a part of your life as you are expecting your first child.  I remember the month or two before you told me your news.  I was in the temple and putting some of our family on the temple role.  I went to write “Leslie and Jesse Thomas”  and had an over-whelming feeling of love and joy as the idea came into my mind that someone new was coming to be in your family.  I know this little boy is loved by Heavenly Father and so many others.   He is part of an amazing legacy of love, faith and goodness.  You have an amazing capacity to love.  You and Jesse will provide a wonderful home and family for him.   What a gift and blessing to any child. 

You will soon realize that he is blessing you and your life.  Each of my children are such gifts to me.   Being a mom to each of you has made me who I am.  It has always amazed me that the calling of “motherhood” made me a stronger, better, more Christ-like person. When I was told that your chances of surviving a natural birth were about 5%,  there was no question in my mind that I would consent to a C-section.  I was happy and thrilled to give that to you.  I hadn’t even met you yet.  I was so grateful there was a way to safely get you here.  I was so thrilled to hold you those first few days.  It was a miracle to me.  Over the my lifetime, as I have had health problems from that delivery,  I have always had the thought, “Leslie is so worth this”  “I would do it again in a heartbeat”.

I love being your mother.  I loved watching you grow up.  It was so fun to see you and Kennedy grow together in a sister-hood.  I didn’t really enjoy being a girl when I grew up for different reasons.  Watching you two relish in it helped me find joy in our gender.  Thank you. 

I loved watching you discover the beauties of our world.  I loved how you always wanted to create beautiful and delicious things.  I loved listening to you play your favorite piano pieces over and over again, because I could hear that you loved them.  I loved listening to you sing and to hear you pleasure in beautiful sounds.  You were always touching plants and admiring them.  You brought more beauty and creativity into my life.  Thank you.

I love your gifts of charity.  You mothered me many times when you were growing up.  You often tried to comfort me and help me feel better.  I remember you rubbing my tummy when I was pregnant.  You always tried to be helpful and you brought a lot of love into our home.  I saw you continue this with your friends and associates as you grew older.  You brought more love and charity to my life.  Thank you.

Well, Leslie, as I reflect on the joys and wonders of motherhood, many thoughts and images come to mind.  Being a mother is and has been the greatest and most satisfying thing I do in this life.  I am so grateful for Grandma Schwendiman who taught me so many things and gave me so many incredible experiences.  Having children, and being able to raise them, has been one of the greatest gifts in my life.    I look forward to a continued joy-filled  relationship with each of my children and their families.  I look forward to meeting and loving each new member that comes to our family. 

I love you so much and am so grateful for you.  You and your family are always in my thoughts and I pray for you often.  Thanks for being my daughter and bringing so much love and joy to my life.



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